The College has a well-equipped automated library service with LibSys and KOHA software being used for circulation, searching, cataloging and various other functions; accessible by both the teaching faculty and student’s body.
It is a storehouse of about 8867 books both Primary and Secondary sources and has a collection of more than 13 Editions of Journals/Magazines and Newspapers (Local, Regional and National).
The library has two sections i.e. the reference and general section which is accessible to library users. At the beginning of every Session, Orientation Programmes to library use is regularly conducted.
The College Library under the supervision and monitoring of an efficient librarian, with a commitment to serve the teachers and students provides an ambiance of learning conducive and stimulating to the minds of the students; thus encouraging students to become erudite users of the library.
Other services available and made accessible to students are Question Bank, Book Bank to poor and needy students and students teachers deputed by the Government.
Reprographic services are also provided to library users on a reasonable and affordable payment. The College playing host institution to IGNOU Programmes provides support and enrichment services through its library to IGNOU students, in particular, M.A. (Education) and M.Ed., for whom dissertation writing is mandatory.
Library cum Reading Room Details:-
Number of books in the Library: 10981
Number of Journals: 9
Encyclopedias (Titles) : 79
Seating Capacity in Library: 60
Total No. of Magazines: 7
No. of titles added since May 2019 - 41