Freshers’ Day Celebration 2019

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Freshers’ Day in any college is an event which every student eagerly awaits from the time of admissions. The 16th of August 2019 was marked as a memorable day in the life of student-teachers (freshers) of 2019-2021 batch of College of Teacher Education (PGT) Shillong. The Freshers’ Day was held at the Main Classroom with the gracious presence of our very dear Principal, the teachers, the non- teaching staff, the student-teachers of the 1st and 3rd Semesters. It was a day filled with excitement, joy, music, enthusiasm, laughter and happiness. Since the freshers came in to the college with a clean slate, not knowing anybody and vice versa, there were uncertainties in their minds and cautiousness in their demeanour. It is through an event like the Freshers’ Day, that would provide a chance to remove these uncertainties and welcome the newest and nervous members to life, in the college.

Characterized with the theme, ” Back To Seventies” , the event took one to a trip back in time, as the freshers equally took part in it with equal zeal as they tried to fit into the 70’s era by wearing costumes that would match the event. The Venue, too, equally gave the audience a sense of the 70’s groove. All thanks to Miss Reaia D. Phira of the 3rd Semester, the Convenor of the Decoration Sub-Committee and all other members of the 3rd Semester who put in their equal contribution and hardwork to make the event a colourful and a joyous one.

The event was hosted by two of the very fun-loving MC’s, Miss. Hephzibah Kharjana and Mr. Deligentstar Lypon, who were both dressed to the occasion and also ensured that everybody present had a fun time filled with laughter ad jokes, as this really helped the freshers to create a rapport with each other as well as with the seniors.

The programme kick-started with a breath-taking medley by Mrs. Barihun Mary Mawlong, Miss Edisa Pathaw and Miss Ibapalei Diengdoh, and with Mr. Maldoveral Dkhar and Mr. Favourite Lamare on the guitar. 

Folliwing this, the new 50 members of the College(1st Semester)were to introduce themselves in brief, out of which 6 student-teachers, 3 from the males and 3 from the females were shortlisted for Mr. and Miss. Freshers 2019, through a question-answer round and judged by our very own teachers, Madam M.A. Jyrwa and Madam F. Marbaniang. While the judges were deliberating on the top 6 finalists, the 3rd Semester student- teachers showcased a mesmerizing dance performance related to the 70’s theme, which was headed by Miss Karabi Devi and Mr. Kebi Prasad.

After this dance performance, the selection of Mr. and Miss. Freshers 2019 was made, out of which the title of Mr. Freshers and Miss Freshers 2019 went to Mr. Darishan Warjri and Miss Daiarisa Kharmalki respectively. The two proved that they were individuals with beauty and brains as they had the presence of mind and confidence in not only  giving their answers but also in communicating the same, properly and effectively.

At the end of the very fun- filled programme, a vote of thanks was delivered by Father James Anderson Syiemlieh, the Class Representative of the 3rd Semester, who did not fail to thank each and every member who had equally put in their efforts to make the event a successful one.

 Following this, light refreshment was served and the event closed with a jam session in which all student-teachers of the 1st and 3rd semesters danced their heart out.

On the whole, the Freshers’ Day programme was a huge success as the ‘newbies’ were welcomed with zest and fervour. 

“Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone and start from now and make a brand new ending”